Category : Dogs

Common Excuses Humans Make for NOT Fostering or Adopting Dogs

Overcoming Excuses: The Truth About Fostering and Adopting Dogs Bringing a dog into your home can be one of the most rewarding decisions you'll ever make. Dogs offer unconditional love, companionship, and joy, enriching our lives in countless ways. However, many people hesitate to foster or adopt dogs due to various concerns and excuses. If you've ever considered adding a furry friend to your f

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Dog Rescue Road Trip To Save Krypto Paws!

In case you missed it I wanted to share the story and vlog I made about my secret mission to save a dog also now know as Krypto Paws. I originally posted this video series on my personal @BloggingBrandi YouTube Channel, and wanted to show behind the scenes of what going on a van trip was like (especially with dogs and cats coming along in the RV) but no one expected us to have another dog joining us for the ride! How

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Pet Essentials: Best Strollers For Dogs & Cats

Best Dog Strollers (3 Different Types Of Pet Strollers) We've compiled a list of our Top Rated Favorites when it comes to choosing the Best Strollers For Dogs and Cats too! These are some of the Best Dog Strollers we found, bought, Tested and Reviewed! Plus The Best Cat Strollers since we have a "Cat Dog" that's always riding along. Find out which one is the Best Pet Stroller on Amazon, According to our Pet Expert!

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A Dose of Reality: What Happens to Dogs in Shelters That Do NOT Get Adopted?

The Fate of Unadopted Shelter Dogs: What You Need to Know When dogs end up in shelters, their futures become uncertain. Adoption is the best outcome, but not every dog is lucky enough to find a forever home. Understanding what happens to shelter dogs that don't get adopted can shed light on the challenges shelters face and the importance of supporting animal welfare efforts. If shelter dogs don't get adopted, their

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Krypto’s Dog Rescue Story (Fostering Part 1)

Krypto's Dog Rescue Story... Long story short, Krypto was dropped off at the shelter along with ALL of his other furry family of siblings. But, NO one knew that day what a twist his story would take! I'm guilty of signing up for the email list of available foster pet parents, so I get these desperate emails in my inbox all the time. And eventually after all the begging for help you say HEY here I am, who do you have

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Pet Essentials: Beds, Houses & Furniture (For Dogs + Cats)

Here's a list of all Birdie's Favorite Dog Houses and Beds! Plus, the Cat loves to catch a snooze in them just as much too! But, when it comes to your Animal's Health Which Bedding Is Best For My Pet? How to Choose the Right Bed for Your Dog? Do dogs prefer round or square beds? And, Where is the best place to put a pet bed in your home? Don't worry Shop our top pet essentials for your 4-legged friends including pet

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Benefits of Fostering A Dog: How Fostering Dogs Helps Save Lives!

Fostering Dogs: Why Foster a Dog, What's Involve? The Benefits & Costs? Why Foster a Dog and What Does It Involve? If you’re considering ways to make a meaningful impact on animal welfare, fostering dogs is a powerful and fulfilling option. By opening your home and heart, you provide a temporary haven for dogs in need, helping them transition to their forever hom

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Rescuing Roland: How We Saved Him & His Dog Rescue Journey!

Roland's Dog Rescue Story: Roland was the rescue that we almost gave up on! Meaning all the paperwork, vet records, the list goes on for what we had to provide to the Dog Rescue (Orphan Annie's) he came from! And, I cannot forget the FEAR I had after initiating the process until adoption day. The entire process seemed like an eternity but in reality it was only a week. I even tried to adopt a different dog or maybe

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Summer Safety Tips For Dogs To Stay Cool & Safe In Hot Weather!

Summer Safety Tips To Keep Your Dog Cool Summer Dog Care Tips For Keeping Your Dog Cool and Safe This Summer: What temperature is unsafe for dogs in summer? How do dogs keep themselves from overheating during the summer? How do I keep my dog cool in 100 degree weather? These are all very important questions you need to know the answers to in order to keep your dog safe, cool and comfy in hot weather especially in th

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How I Met My First Rescue Dog & Started Birdies Doghouse! [Birdie’s Story]

How I Met Birdie My First Rescue Dog & Started Birdies Doghouse! This is Birdie's Story! How I Met Birdie My First Rescue Dog and Ended up Starting Birdies Doghouse!  I still remember the day and exactly where I was at when I got the call. We were sitting in the motorhome at the RV Park living stationary since the pandemic put a pause in our travel plans! It all started with an email I received after signing up

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