Meet Little Boy – Our Latest Dog Rescue & Adoption Story! 🛟🐕
Meet Little Boy: Our Newest Dog Rescue! Welcome Little Boy (aka "Lil Boy") to our fur family! He’s the newest rescue in our growing household, which now includes five dogs and one cat. Adopting Little Boy was one of the fastest decisions we’ve ever made. Sometimes our furry additions come into our lives by chance, other times by choice—but each one holds a special place in our hearts. Here’s what makes Li
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Krypto Paws Adoption Day: A Life-Changing Dog Rescue Story
It’s been a year now since we took our last van trip or what I like to call our “rescue road trip,” to officially hand over Krypto Paws to his new dog Dad Adam yet this adoption was bittersweet with a shocking and life-changing ending! If you haven't met Krypto be sure to read his story! 6 months earlier... 6 Month earlier... I accidentally might have gotten in over my head when deciding to f
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Ultimate Pet Minivan: DIY Remodel For Dogs & Cat RARE Vintage VAN (1993 Dodge Caravan)
The Dogs & Cat Got A MiniVan! Dog owners, this is your van! It’s Time To Join The Dodge Minivan Fan Club! The Dodge Caravan won the Best In Show Award. With a larger cargo area than most and squared-off back, it is the BEST dog mobile. If you’re traveling with paws especially cats and dogs then keep on reading this is for you! This post is dedicated to our RARE Vintage 1993 Dodge Caravan we purchased f
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Rescuing Petunia: The Heartwarming Dog Tale of Fate, Family, and Forever Homes
Petunia's Dog Rescue Story: Long story short, Petunia was dropped off at the shelter after her previous pet parent fell on hard times and one day left the entire fur family behind. But, before we met Petunia, we were fostering her Brother Krypto. Yet, no one had connected the dots about their DNA until after we decided to adopt her and we were filling out their paperwork. That's when it was discovered that they were
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My Rescue Dogs 1st YouTube Famous Video Debut!
In case you missed the BIG announcement Birdie and the crew just started a channel for Dogs on YouTube! And she posted the very first video we ever made of her! We had Just gotten home from the animal shelter and asked (Birdie) the new dog I rescued: "Do You Want To Be YouTube Famous Girl?" Her Response Is Priceless! Prepare to Meet Birdie my rescue dog it's her very first YouTube Video Debut! Dog Lovers Go behind th
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Common Excuses Humans Make for NOT Fostering or Adopting Dogs
Overcoming Excuses: The Truth About Fostering and Adopting Dogs Bringing a dog into your home can be one of the most rewarding decisions you'll ever make. Dogs offer unconditional love, companionship, and joy, enriching our lives in countless ways. However, many people hesitate to foster or adopt dogs due to various concerns and excuses. If you've ever considered adding a furry friend to your f
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Dog Rescue Road Trip To Save Krypto Paws!
In case you missed it I wanted to share the story and vlog I made about my secret mission to save a dog also now know as Krypto Paws. I originally posted this video series on my personal @BloggingBrandi YouTube Channel, and wanted to show behind the scenes of what going on a van trip was like (especially with dogs and cats coming along in the RV) but no one expected us to have another dog joining us for the ride! How
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Krypto’s Dog Rescue Story (Fostering Part 1)
Krypto's Dog Rescue Story... Long story short, Krypto was dropped off at the shelter along with ALL of his other furry family of siblings. But, NO one knew that day what a twist his story would take! I'm guilty of signing up for the email list of available foster pet parents, so I get these desperate emails in my inbox all the time. And eventually after all the begging for help you say HEY here I am, who do you have
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