Ultimate List of Pet Holidays for Dog Holidays (to Celebrate with Your Furry Friends All Year Long)!
As pet lovers, we know every day is special with our furry friends, but did you know there are official holidays dedicated to celebrating them? From awareness days to fun observances, this pet holiday calendar is packed with ideas to celebrate your pets, raise awareness for animal welfare, and engage your followers on social media. Whether you’re looking for dog holidays, cat holidays, or general animal holidays, this guide has everything you need—complete with “pet holidays,” “dog awareness days,” “adopt don’t shop,” and other pet celebration ideas!
📌 January
In January, several pet holidays focus on dogs, each with associated hashtags to help you celebrate and share on social media. Here’s a list of these observances along with their corresponding hashtags:
Month-long Observances:
- National Train Your Dog Month
- Hashtags: #NationalTrainYourDogMonth, #TrainYourDog
- Walk Your Dog Month
- Hashtags: #WalkYourDogMonth, #WalkYourDog
Specific Days:
- January 2: National Pet Travel Safety Day
- Hashtags: #NationalPetTravelSafetyDay, #PetTravelSafety
- January 8: National Labrador Retriever Day
- Hashtags: #NationalLabradorRetrieverDay, #LabradorRetriever
- January 14: National Dress Up Your Pet Day
- Hashtags: #NationalDressUpYourPetDay, #DressUpYourPet
- January 24: Change a Pet’s Life Day
- Hashtags: #ChangeAPetsLifeDay, #AdoptDontShop
- January 29: Seeing Eye Guide Dog Anniversary
- Hashtags: #SeeingEyeGuideDogAnniversary, #GuideDogs
These holidays provide wonderful opportunities to engage with your dog and the broader pet-loving community.
Check out >> National Dog Day and 150+ Other Pet Holidays to Celebrate in 2025!
📌 February
In February, there are several pet holidays to celebrate dogs, each with associated hashtags to help you share and engage on social media. Here’s a list of these observances along with their corresponding hashtags:
Month-long Observances:
- Pet Dental Health Month
- Hashtags: #PetDentalHealthMonth, #PetDentalCare
- Dog Training Education Month
- Hashtags: #DogTrainingEducationMonth, #TrainYourDog
- Spay/Neuter Awareness Month
- Hashtags: (#SpayAndNeuter)
Specific Days:
- February 3: Doggie Date Night
- Hashtags: #DoggieDateNight, #DateWithMyDog
- February 3: National Golden Retriever Day
- Hashtags: #NationalGoldenRetrieverDay, #GoldenRetriever
- February 14: Pet Theft Awareness Day
- February 20: Love Your Pet Day
- Hashtags: #LoveYourPetDay, #LoveYourPet
- February 22: National Walk Your Dog Day
- Hashtags: #NationalWalkYourDogDay, #WalkYourDog
- February 23: International Dog Biscuit Appreciation Day
- Hashtags: #DogBiscuitAppreciationDay, #DogTreats
These holidays provide great opportunities to bond with your dog and connect with the pet-loving community.
Check out This Complete List Of Annual Pet Holidays To Celebrate On Social Media
📌 March
In March, several pet holidays celebrate dogs, each with associated hashtags to help you share and engage on social media. Here’s a list of these observances along with their corresponding hashtags:
Month-long Observances:
- National Poison Prevention Awareness Month (#PoisonPrevention) – This month-long observance aims to educate the public on responsible pet ownership and the dangers of poisoning.
Specific Days:
- March 3: If Pets Had Thumbs Day
- Hashtags: #IfPetsHadThumbsDay, #PetHumor
- March 13: K9 Veterans Day
- Hashtags: #K9VeteransDay, #ServiceDogs
- March 23: National Puppy Day
- Hashtags: #NationalPuppyDay, #PuppyLove
These holidays provide great opportunities to bond with your dog and connect with the pet-loving community.
📌 April
In April, several pet holidays celebrate dogs, each with associated hashtags to help you share and engage on social media. Here’s a list of these observances along with their corresponding hashtags:
Month-long Observances:
- Prevention of Cruelty to Animals Month
- Hashtags: #PreventionOfCrueltyToAnimalsMonth, #EndAnimalCruelty
- Active Dog Month
- Hashtags: #ActiveDogMonth, #GetActiveWithYourDog
- Canine Fitness Month
- Hashtags: #CanineFitnessMonth, #FitDog
- Pet First Aid Awareness Month
- Hashtags: #PetFirstAid
Specific Days:
- April 8: National Dog Fighting Awareness Day
- Hashtags: #NationalDogFightingAwarenessDay, #EndDogFighting
- April 10: National Hug Your Dog Day
- Hashtags: #NationalHugYourDogDay, #HugYourDog
- April 11: National Pet Day
- Hashtags: #NationalPetDay, #LoveYourPet
- April 11: Dog Therapy Appreciation Day
- Hashtags: #DogTherapyAppreciationDay, #TherapyDogs
- April 21: Bulldogs Are Beautiful Day
- Hashtags: #BulldogsAreBeautifulDay, #BulldogLove
- April 23: National Lost Dog Awareness Day
- Hashtags: #NationalLostDogAwarenessDay, #LostDogAwareness
- April 26: National Kids and Pets Day
- Hashtags: #NationalKidsAndPetsDay, #KidsAndPets
- April 26: National Pet Parents Day
- Hashtags: #NationalPetParentsDay, #PetParents
- April 27: World Veterinary Day
- Hashtags: #WorldVeterinaryDay, #ThankAVet
- April 30: Adopt a Shelter Pet Day
- Hashtags: #AdoptDontShop
- Last Friday of April: Hairball Awareness Day
- Hashtags: #HairballAwarenessDay, #PetHealth
These holidays provide great opportunities to bond with your dog and connect with the pet-loving community.
📌 May
In May, several pet holidays celebrate dogs, each with associated hashtags to help you share and engage on social media. Here’s a list of these observances along with their corresponding hashtags:
Month-long Observances:
- National Pet Month
- Hashtags: #NationalPetMonth, #PetMonth
- National Service Dog Eye Examination Month
- Hashtags: #ServiceDogEyeExaminationMonth, #ServiceDogEyeCare
- Chip Your Pet Month
- Hashtags: #ChipYourPetMonth, #MicrochipYourPet, #ChipYourPet
- Pet Cancer Awareness Month
- Hashtags: #PetCancerAwarenessMonth, #PetCancerAwareness
- Responsible Animal Guardian Month
- Hashtags: #ResponsibleAnimalGuardianMonth, #ResponsiblePetOwnership
Special Weeks:
- May 1-7: Be Kind to Animals Week
- Hashtags: (#BeKindToAnimals)
Specific Days:
- May 1: National Purebred Dog Day
- Hashtags: #NationalPurebredDogDay, #PurebredDogs
- May 3: National Specially-Abled Pets Day
- Hashtags: #SpeciallyAbledPetsDay, #SpecialNeedsPets
- May 3: Mayday for Mutts
- Hashtags: #MaydayForMutts, #Mutts
- May 9: National Dog Mom Day
- Hashtags: #NationalDogMomDay, #DogMom
- May 11: National Animal Disaster Preparedness Day
- Hashtags: #AnimalDisasterPreparednessDay, #PetDisasterPreparedness
- May 14: International Chihuahua Appreciation Day
- Hashtags: #InternationalChihuahuaAppreciationDay, #ChihuahuaAppreciation
- May 20: National Rescue Dog Day
- Hashtags: #NationalRescueDogDay, #RescueDogs, #RescueDogDay
These holidays provide great opportunities to bond with your dog and connect with the pet-loving community.
📌 June
Here are the dog-specific holidays for the month of June, including their associated hashtags:
📌 July
In July, several pet holidays celebrate dogs, each with associated hashtags to help you share and engage on social media. Here’s a list of these observances along with their corresponding hashtags:
Month-long Observances:
- National Lost Pet Prevention Month
- Hashtags: #LostPetPreventionMonth, #PetSafety, #LostPetPrevention
- National Pet Hydration Awareness Month
- Hashtags: #PetHydrationAwarenessMonth, #PetHydration
- Dog House Repair Month
- Hashtags: #DogHouseRepairMonth, #DogHouseCare
Specific Days:
- July 5: Pet Remembrance Day
- Hashtags: (#PetRemembranceDay)
- July 11: National Pet Photo Day
- Hashtags: #NationalPetPhotoDay, #PetPhotography
- July 15: National Pet Fire Safety Day
- Hashtags: #PetFireSafetyDay, #PetSafety
- July 21: National Craft for Your Local Shelter Day
- Hashtags: #CraftForShelterDay, #SupportLocalShelters
- July 26: National Dog Photography Day
- Hashtags: #NationalDogPhotographyDay, #DogPhotography
- July 31: National Mutt Day
- Hashtags: (#NationalMuttDay)
These holidays provide great opportunities to bond with your dog and connect with the pet-loving community.
📌 August
📌 September
In September, several pet holidays celebrate dogs, each with associated hashtags to help you share and engage on social media. Here’s a list of these observances along with their corresponding hashtags:
Month-long Observances:
- Responsible Dog Ownership Month
- Hashtags: #ResponsibleDogOwnershipMonth, #ResponsibleDogOwnership
- National Pet Insurance Month
- Hashtags: #PetInsuranceMonth, #PetInsurance
- Pet-Sitter Education Month
- Hashtags: #PetSitterEducationMonth, #PetSitterEducation
- Happy Healthy Cat Month
- Hashtags: #HappyHealthyCatMonth, #HealthyCats
- National Service Dog Month
- Hashtags: #ServiceDogMonth
- Animal Pain Awareness Month
- Hashtags: #AnimalPainAwarenessMonth, #PetPainAwareness
Specific Days:
- September 1: Ginger Cat Appreciation Day
- Hashtags: #GingerCatAppreciationDay, #GingerCats
- September 13: National Pet Memorial Day
- Hashtags: #NationalPetMemorialDay, #PetMemorial
- September 13: National Hug Your Hound Day
- Hashtags: #HugYourHoundDay, #HugYourHound
- September 17: National Pet Bird Day
- Hashtags: #NationalPetBirdDay, #PetBirds
- September 19: Puppy Mill Awareness Day
- Hashtags: #PuppyMillAwarenessDay, #EndPuppyMills
- September 19: AKC Responsible Dog Ownership Day
- Hashtags: #AKCResponsibleDogOwnershipDay, #ResponsibleDogOwnership
- September 23: Dogs in Politics Day
- Hashtags: #DogsInPoliticsDay, #DogsInPolitics
- September 28: World Rabies Day
- Hashtags: #WorldRabiesDay, #RabiesAwareness
Special Weeks:
- Third Week of September: Adopt a Less-Adoptable Pet Week
- Hashtags: #AdoptALessAdoptablePetWeek, #AdoptDontShop
- Fourth Week of September: National Dog Week
- Hashtags: #NationalDogWeek, #DogWeek
- Last Full Week of September: Deaf Pet Awareness Week
- Hashtags: #DeafPetAwarenessWeek, #DeafPets
These holidays provide great opportunities to bond with your dog and connect with the pet-loving community.
📌 October
In October, several pet holidays celebrate dogs, each with associated hashtags to help you share and engage on social media. Here’s a list of these observances along with their corresponding hashtags:
Month-long Observances:
- Adopt a Shelter Dog Month
- Hashtags: #AdoptAShelterDogMonth, #AdoptDontShop, #AdoptAShelterDog
- National Pit Bull Awareness Month
- Hashtags: #PitBullAwarenessMonth, #PitBullLove
- National Animal Safety and Protection Month
- Hashtags: #AnimalSafetyAndProtectionMonth, #PetSafety
- National Pet Wellness Month
- Hashtags: #PetWellnessMonth, #PetHealth
Specific Days:
- October 1: National Fire Pup Day
- Hashtags: #FirePupDay, #FireDog
- October 1: National Black Dog Day
- Hashtags: #BlackDogDay, #BlackDogsRock, #NationalBlackDogDay
- October 4: World Pet Day
- Hashtags: #WorldPetDay, #PetDay
- October 14: Pet Obesity Awareness Day
- Hashtags: #PetObesityAwarenessDay, #PetObesity
- October 21: Reptile Awareness Day
- Hashtags: #ReptileAwarenessDay, #ReptileAwareness
- October 27: National Pit Bull Awareness Day
- Hashtags: #PitBullAwarenessDay, #PitBullLove
These holidays provide great opportunities to bond with your dog and connect with the pet-loving community.
📌 November
In November, several pet holidays celebrate dogs, each with associated hashtags to help you share and engage on social media. Here’s a list of these observances along with their corresponding hashtags:
Month-long Observances:
- Adopt a Senior Pet Month
- Hashtags: #AdoptASeniorPetMonth, #AdoptASeniorPet
- National Pet Cancer Awareness Month
- Hashtags: #PetCancerAwarenessMonth, #PetCancerAwareness
- National Pet Diabetes Month
- Hashtags: #PetDiabetesMonth, #PetDiabetes
- National Senior Pet Month
- Hashtags: #SeniorPetMonth, #SeniorPets
Special Weeks:
- National Animal Shelter Appreciation Week (First Week)
- Hashtags: (#ShelterAppreciation)
Specific Days:
- November 1: National Cook for Your Pets Day
- Hashtags: #CookForYourPetsDay, #PetNutrition
- November 7: National Canine Lymphoma Awareness Day
- Hashtags: #CanineLymphomaAwarenessDay, #DogCancerAwareness
- November 17: National Take a Hike Day (with your pet!)
- Hashtags: #TakeAHikeDay, #HikingWithDogs
- November 23: National Dog Show
- Hashtags: #NationalDogShow, #DogShow
- November 24: National Dog Day
- Hashtags: #NationalDogDay, #DogDay
These holidays provide great opportunities to bond with your dog and connect with the pet-loving community.
📌 December
In December, several pet holidays celebrate dogs, each with associated hashtags to help you share and engage on social media. Here’s a list of these observances along with their corresponding hashtags:
Month-long Observances:
- National Pet Holiday Month
- Hashtags: #PetHolidayMonth, #PetHolidays
- National Safe Toys and Gifts Month
- Hashtags: #SafeToysAndGiftsMonth, #PetSafety
Specific Days:
- December 2: National Mutt Day (again?)
- Hashtags: #NationalMuttDay, #MuttDay
- December 25: Christmas Day (for dogs as part of family celebrations)
- Hashtags: #ChristmasWithDogs, #DogsOfChristmas, #ChristmasDogs
- December 31: National Dog Day (celebrating dogs as part of New Year’s celebrations)
- Hashtags: #NationalDogDay, #DogsOfTheYear
These holidays provide great opportunities to bond with your dog and connect with the pet-loving community.
Tips for Celebrating Pet Holidays
- Share Photos: Snap a picture of your pet and share it on social media with the relevant hashtags.
- Host Events: Organize a fundraiser or adoption drive on awareness days.
- Educate Others: Use these holidays to raise awareness about important pet issues.
- Spoil Your Pet: Any excuse for extra treats, toys, or cuddles is a good one!
Mark your calendars and make every month paws-itively unforgettable with your furry friends! Which pet holiday will you celebrate first? Let us know in the comments!
#DogHolidays #Dogs #PetHolidays #AdoptDontShop #AnimalAwareness #AnimalHolidays #BirdiesDoghouse #DogHolidayCalendar #DogCalendar #PetAwareness #RescueDogs #PetsArePeople #FurFamily #DogCelebration #AnimalRights #DogsLivesMatter #DogMom #DogLovers