How I Met Birdie My First Rescue Dog & Started Birdies Doghouse!

This is Birdie’s Story! How I Met Birdie My First Rescue Dog and Ended up Starting Birdies Doghouse!  I still remember the day and exactly where I was at when I got the call. We were sitting in the motorhome at the RV Park living stationary since the pandemic put a pause in our travel plans! It all started with an email I received after signing up to foster a dog several MONTHS earlier.

I was not even sure if I was ready for another dog since I had just lost both of my Boston Terriers the past year! One had a heart murmur and died of a seizure while she was only 8 years old. While the other got cancerous tumors that kept growing every time we removed one. But, she did make it to be almost 15 years old!

And, I do want to be clear my boyfriend still had his toy poodle, but that is the keyword HIS dog, the one he built a bond with for so long. I lost MY dogs the ones I brought into the relationship!

However, I NEVER knew the love of a dog until I RESCUED one! After losing my two, it took over a year before I was able to even think about getting another dog. I continued to pray so hard for the right dog to come along. So when Racquel reached out to me from the Shelter asking if I could help foster a dog since they needed help, I was overjoyed.

Next, I looked at my boyfriend and said they said they have a dog, and asked if we could help. I don’t remember the entire conversation other than we were NOT headed to pick up Birdie! I didn’t care, I just wanted a dog to love, so we piled in the car and made an hour-long drive.



Picking up Birdie for the first time:




I have to be honest I had never been to a shelter before. Plus, it was even more awkward since we had to wear a mask, follow weird pandemic protocols, stand outside, etc… But, when we were finally in a room for a meet and greet they brought the dog in they thought I would be fostering. Let’s just say he was BIG and not going to fit our lifestyle. Not to mention the fact he needed a flat space since he just lost his leg. I did not care about his leg or any medical conditions he had, but his size and the thought of me having to lift him, while at the time we were living in the RV Stationary (on a lake – with NO fenced-in yard back then). So we said no I’m sorry that dog is not going to work.

Then they brought another dog “Alexander” in that was ADORABLE! He looked like a tiger, but he was extremely rambunctious and my boyfriend’s toy poodle was so small (5 pounds) compared to him. I thought for sure he might eat or step on him. It was a hard no again. Milo (the poodle) did not like either one of them or should I say he wasn’t instantly attracted and usually he loves every other dog!

Just as we were about to leave, Racquel said: “Wait, I hate that you just drove all this way, let me see if we have anything smaller in the back you can help with” — she came back in and there was Birdie. It was NOT instant love, in fact, she relieved herself in the room! Plus she smelled, looked disheveled, and did not come to me. But, Milo and her touched faces, sniffed each other and it was like he said “Hey guys she is the one – I like Birdie!” lol


Taking Birdie Home…



Yet, I remember sitting there debating, whether I should take her home to foster her or not. After all, I was NOT rescuing her just babysitting her till she found a new home. Finally, my boyfriend said we had been there too long hurry up, and make a decision so we could go home. Plus, we did have an hour’s drive back home. So I gave in, told her to come on we’re taking her home, and let’s just say after a day I was in LOVE! It only took a day and I called the shelter back to ask if I could adopt Birdie, we made arrangements to drive another hour back a few days later, did all the paperwork and the rest is history!

I have never loved a dog like I do Birdie! We have a special bond and she knows I am her dog Mom! Sad to say her old family dropped her off only a few days earlier before we showed up to save her. On her paperwork, they said it was due to a “lifestyle change” that they had to give her up. While I don’t know the entire backstory since the first 5 years of her life were a blur (aka not with me) we always laugh about who got the real “lifestyle change” which would have to be her!

Birdie only spent a few days in the slammer (shelter) and now she has had 3 RVs, Flown across the country, loves to paddle board, she also has a boat and real estate in multiple states! I cannot imagine my life without her, she is my best friend with paws. We go everywhere together! I cannot explain the LOVE of a rescued dog!

It wasn’t long after adopting Birdie we got the call to come back and foster another one, that’s how Birdie’s Doghouse first began! It was NOT just about us saving these dogs, but we were slowly HEALING from losing some of our own.



The SECRET about Birdie’s Birthday… 



We don’t talk about this all the time, but another reason we love to foster, adopt, and rescue these dogs is because if you don’t know several years earlier we lost our child. So these dogs were our way to get past that tragedy. But, after looking over Birdie’s Dog Adoption paperwork, I discovered that Birdie was born around the EXACT same time we lost our child. As if one child was dying and another life being born. Yet, It was like she was waiting for 5 years and we had no idea. I always refer to our baby as “Genesis” and in our house, everyone knows who that is. So, I like to joke around with my boyfriend that our little baby is inside Birdie! Baby Genesis!


Don’t Miss A Thing…

💯 Meet Us: Since Adopting Birdie we’ve acquired 4 more Rescues in our crew! Currently, we have 5 Dogs and One Cat! You can meet all the animals here!

🐾 Follow Us: Also, don’t forget to follow @BirdiesDoghouse on Social Media via Instagram, Facebook, Twitter (X), LinkedIn, Pinterest, and YouTube! Plus, subscribe to the Newsletter for email updates!

🛟 Help Us: Help Birdie on her mission to save more fur babies’ lives just like we did hers! Remember sharing is caring so please spread the word! You can also SHOP our store, and DONATE for the paws!



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